Sunday, September 30, 2012

So it begins

Sculpting and painting miniatures is actually alot easier than some people think.  That is the purpose of this particular blog.  I post stuff I'm working on and talk about the techniques I'm using and have used in the past.

Things this blog is:
A place to post pics of what I'm working on
A place to explain the techniques I'm using
A place to rant about things that cause me to rant

What this blog is not:
A place to garner up commission work
A place to foster negativity

Anyway, I don't have alot of pictures of stuff I'm working on right now, but I do have some pics of what I've worked on in the past, and more of those will come.  If you read my blog, pay attention to the techniques, and ask good questions, you might learn a thing or two about painting table top quality armies.  I am by no means a Golden Daemon quality painter, but I get stuff done, and it looks good on the tabletop.

These are some players for my 40k themed Blood Bowl team, The Harriers, along with some of the coaching staff.  I used predominately Imperial Guardsmen for the players, but included a few minis from the Blood Bowl range, namely The Mighty Zug and Griff Oberwold, as well as the Dialogus and Hospitaller from the Witch Hunter range, and some Dark Eldar Wyches.  All in all, it turned out great.  When I painted them, I used a lot of line highlighting, a bit of blending, drybrushing, and washing.

 These are selections from my Black Templars, painted in the color scene for the Void Knights.  The techniques were very simple, essentially, a base coat quarter pattern, washes, then line highlighting.  There is free-hand on the banner, and the tank was dry-brushed rather than line highlighted.

Nuln cannon and Stirland archers from my most recent project.  I'll be posting more about the techniques I'm using on these guys next week.

Some dwarves from my Lord of the Rings dwarf army.  I used similar techniques to the Black Templars and gave them a big of an "Army of the dead" feel.

Anyway, that's it for now, stay tuned for more new and exciting stuff.

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